Software para plotter seiki
Software para plotter seiki

  1. Software para plotter seiki mp4#
  2. Software para plotter seiki full#

You can pass any of the arguments used to specify the camera and the background/shadow colors in plot_3d(), and manipulate the displayed 3D plot using render_camera() and render_depth().Īll of these functions are designed to be used with the magrittr pipe %>%.

  • plot_gg Takes a ggplot2 object (or a list of two ggplot2 objects) and uses the fill or color aesthetic to transform the plot into a 3D surface.
  • Software para plotter seiki mp4#

    render_movie Creates and saves a mp4 file of the camera rotating around the 3D scene by either using a built-in orbit or by using one provided by the user.įinally, rayshader has a single function to generate 3D plots using ggplot2 objects:.render_snapshot Saves an image of the current 3D view to disk (if given a filename), or plots the 3D view to the current device (useful for including images in R Markdown files).You can customize the appearance of the map, as well as add a user-defined water level. plot_3d Creates a 3D map, given a texture and an elevation matrix.write_png Writes the current map to disk with a user-specified filename.The altitude can either be specified relative to the elevation at that point (the default), or absolutely.Īnd four functions to display and save your visualizations: render_label adds a text label to the x and y coordinate of the map at a specified altitude z (in units of the matrix).This either plots the image to the local device, or saves it to a file if given a filename.

    software para plotter seiki

    The user can specify the focal distance, focal length, and f-stop of the camera, as well as aperture shape and bokeh intensity. render_depth generates a depth of field effect for the 3D map.Use this for high-quality maps with realistic light transport. render_highquality renders in the scene with a built-in pathtracer, powered by the rayrender package.This can either add to a map that does not already have a water layer, or replace an existing water layer on the map.Īlso included are two functions to add additional effects and information to your 3D visualizations: render_water adds a 3D tranparent water layer to 3D maps, after the rgl device has already been created.The user can input their own color, or pass the name of one of the pre-defined palettes from sphere_shade to get a matching hue. add_water uses the output of detect_water to add a water color to the map.detect_water uses a flood-fill algorithm to detect bodies of water of a user-specified minimum area.Rayshader also has three functions to detect and add water to maps:

    Software para plotter seiki full#

    Otherwise, the user can specify a single color that will be marked as completely transparent, or set the full overlay as partly transparent. If the map includes transparency, this is taken into account when overlaying the image.

  • add_overlay takes a 3 or 4-layer RGB/RGBA array and overlays it on the current map.
  • add_shadow takes two of the shadow maps above and combines them, scaling the second one (or, if the second is an RGB array, the matrix) as specified by the user.
  • lamb_shade uses a single user specified light direction to calculate a local shadow map based on the dot product between the surface normal and the light direction for an elevation matrix.
  • This results in valleys being darker than flat areas and ridges.
  • ambient_shade creates an ambient occlusion shadow layer, darkening areas that have less scattered light from the atmosphere.
  • The user can also optionally specify the colors at the corners, but create_texture will interpolate those if they aren’t given.
  • create_texture programmatically creates texture maps given five colors: a highlight, a shadow, a left fill light, a right fill light, and a center color for flat areas.
  • sphere_shade also includes 7 built-in palettes: “imhof1”, “imhof2”, “imhof3”, imhof4“,”desert“,”bw“,”unicorn". A texture can be generated with the create_texture function, or loaded from an image.
  • sphere_shade maps an RGB texture to a hillshade by spherical mapping.
  • By default, this also scales the light intensity at each point by the dot product of the mean ray direction and the surface normal (also implemented in function lamb_shade, this can be turned off by setting lambert=FALSE.

    software para plotter seiki

  • ray_shade uses user specified light directions to calculate a global shadow map for an elevation matrix.
  • Rayshader has seven functions related to mapping:

    Software para plotter seiki